Friday, May 12, 2017

Blog Stage 8

I agree with Pooja Finavia’s commentary titled Texas needs a quality child care rating system. She did a decent job in providing examples of the type of things that have occurred in a child care and the reasons why it is important that Texas enacts a quality child care rating system for all licensed child cares. She also providing information on why it is important that children have quality child care. As well as the benefits a quality child care can have on a child, such as guiding children toward developing strong emotional bonds, social and emotional skill, and school readiness. Finavia also made a good point with the fact that a lot of parents do not know what to look for in a child care and with a quality child care rating system this could help parents make more informed decisions on their child care. Also, to hear that 48 other states have already implemented a quality child care rating system for all licensed child care facilities and Texas hasn’t is alarming and disappointing. It is time for Texas to step up and include all license child cares into a quality child care rating system.

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